But this question solicits many assumptions, speculations and suppositions. One of which I heard was that the 10 commandments brings unity to the 12 tribes of Israel and then to all mankind. What unity?
Paul told us that the work of the Law is a curse and quoting from Deut. 27:26. He didn't say that the law was bad... but it's the "works" of the law that brings us a curse. (see Galatians 3:10)
Paul goes
on to claim that the curse was taken on by Jesus Christ for all of us so
that we are no longer under the law, but fulfilled by Christ our
freedom of the law so as to abide in the law through Him (see Galatians
3:13). This may be difficult for some to understand. Living in Christ
is the fulfillment that goes well beyond the law and all the 613
mandates and allows us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds so
as to PROVE that which is His good, acceptable, and perfect will of
God. (see Romans 12:2b).
One can view it this way: The 10 Commandments is a curse to those who abide not in Christ, and yet it is a blessing for those who abide in Christ... because He was and is the fulfillment of the Law.
One can view it this way: The 10 Commandments is a curse to those who abide not in Christ, and yet it is a blessing for those who abide in Christ... because He was and is the fulfillment of the Law.
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