By Ken Parks, February 3, 2013
It’s a fair assumption that Prophets are not welcome in the confines of the church businesses. And there is ample reason as to their lack of presence within these so called "corporate bodies."Basically and for the most part, prophecy is not acceptable in church businesses. Similar to other taboo subjects, it is considered too controversial and may cause division. Some church businesses claim that prophecy is not for today. One of the major things that the church business want to avoid is controversy; it may cause division, loss of members, and ultimately a loss of the bottom line.
Audio equipment and the Italian built pipe-organ was installed for more than $3.4 million. The pastor and executive pastor of an Atlanta mega-church drive expensive cars, wear expensive clothing, play with expensive toys, and naturally endorse the tithe doctrine.
In one particular church business, they accept prophecy because they changed the definition of the word. In their view, prophecy has nothing to do with future events, warnings, and the aftermath of performing lawlessness. Rather, the church businesses perceive prophecy as the way one discerns the truth from error. To them, it's all a subjective evaluation for each individual. In and of itself, that is another doctrine of men, another erroneous teaching.
Prophets were know to reveal the truth to their leaders, regardless of the outcome. Prophets have a duty to expose the leaders, the blind leading the blind, of any wrong doing. This does not sit well with those who are so-called pastors of church businesses. Consequently, prophets are dismissed, shunned, ostracized, and even excommunicated from their forum. They are labeled as "troublemakers" and are not part of the "corporate body." Notice how the word "corporate" is not found in the King James Version of the Bible. However, church businesses often use the word "corporate body" as a means to describe the members of their organization. It should be the "corrupt body."
The Apostle Paul wrote to the Ephesians: "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them" - Ephesians 5:11 (NKJV)
Prophets of God are bad news for church businesses. Often enough, they expose the inner and secret works of those who put on the facade of righteousness. This exposure often results in embarrassment and shame upon the leader. The last thing a leader wants to see is division within his "corrupt body." This could ultimately lead to his/her loss of vocation and income.

There is not one time in the ministry of Jesus Christ that he tried to get people to give him money or even alluded to it. Yet church leaders promote the tithe doctrine as one of their sacred cows. Prophets of God see how these so-called "pastors" employ methods of underlying intimidation and trickery. And yet, the inept, the lazy, and the lethargic members, those who don't seek the wisdom of Christ, are lulled into the tithe doctrine.
One does not have to be a prophet to see through the leaders church business' mist of deception. Some of these so-called "pastors" have been exposed through the news media. Some have practiced adultery, some thievery and misappropriation of funds, some have caused divorces, and some have murdered. Are these the fruits of righteousness? God forbid!
The simplicity of Christ involves the ability to discern the good from evil. John warned us, : "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets (includes false brethren, false pastors) have gone out into the world." - 1 John 4:1 (NKJV)
When a church business claims that they maintain your salvation, then you should know that Jesus has been given the right-foot of fellowship. A new means of salvation, outside of Christ, has become another doctrine, tradition, and fables of men which nullifies the word of God. That is the type of deception that leads one to a place of "weeping and gnashing of teeth." It's not a very pleasant place.
These new-age church businesses are trying to get more young people, ignorant of the truth, involved in rock-n-roll for Jesus. Some of these church businesses have lured the masses with blending worship with secular music. One church business has used the music of Michael Jackson. Isn't that a Thriller? And the same has harped the music of Aerosmith. If this isn't deception, then let's all Dream On. Btw, all of this can be found on
The same Northpointless community church had invited a well-known pro-abortionist and gay-rights advocate to one of their rock-n-roll services. We know her as Michelle Obama. That can also be found on

Prophets can not only have visions of the future, but they can see the on-going deception planted in the hearts of these ill-advised pastors and their ultimate demise.
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