Sunday, March 30, 2014

Secular Music at North Point

This has become the latest trend in organized religion: Secular Worship.

The second largest religious business in the U.S., Northpoint Community Church (herein called “North Pointless”) has taken on the role of playing secular rock-n-roll among the nearly 38,000 of its weekly attendees. The secular music, the entertainment, is acceptable to the itching ears of Andy Stanley's following. It's become increasingly obvious; the music selection in the religious businesses today is aimed at the works of darkness rather than the glory and light of Jesus Christ.

North Pointless entertains with the worldly music of Aerosmith
But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. ~ John 4:23-24 (NKJV)

The question: Is this true worship? The people who attend confess that it is true worship. When Jesus stated that “Many will be deceived,” the prophecy has become true. In all appearance, the Andy Stanley troopers are so deceived that they cannot see how they are involved in the practice of iniquity or lawlessness. What we have here is simply the blind leading the blind.

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. ~ Philippians 4:8

How is it that these 38,000 in weekly attendance could see the truth, can see the noble, the just, the pure and whatever is lovely, of good report and anything of virtue or praiseworthy? Perhaps this comes from the heart of the matter – they are still worldly.

There are two videos on the internet that outright display the worldliness of their music. You might say it's a thriller to dream on.

Michael Jackson's "Thriller" performed at North Pointless
North Pointless community church has put their musical efforts in performing songs from the likes of Elton John (homosexual), The Beatles, Beyonce, Destiny's Child, Maroon 5, Whitney Houston, and several others. What do all these entertainers have in common? They are all singers of worldliness. The music they produce has NOTHING to do with Jesus Christ. They are lovers of the world and the things in the world, weather it be homosexual, lovers of money, self-centered lovers of themselves, idolaters, and/or anything that is represented in the darkness of this world.

However, North Pointless and Andy Stanley seems to see fit to entertain their followers with the message to practice lawlessness.

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. ~ 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 (NKJV)

Perhaps, they feel the need to go outside the Scriptures to preach and sing the message of love, the attendance of the youth and the so-called “unchurched” by the means of something that soothes the itching ears.

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. ~ 2 Timothy 4:3-4

The message and music of worship is to be Christ-centered for the purpose of building up the disciples of Christ. It is not to hinder the Gospel of Christ. It is not to be a mixture of humanism and worldly advice. The real Church (Ekklesia) is centered strictly on that which edifies the saints in both music and preaching. It is not to conform to the world and make the so-called “unchurched” entertained through the things of this world.

In some respects this can be seen as using the honey of this world to draw in the cubs. The only way to keep them in attendance is to provide the same honey and more of it.

Without the “unchurched” where will they find the wallets to pay for Andy Stanley's $1.1 million mansion? I would say he has a very successful religious business by the standards of this world. But by the standards Jesus has portrayed, He would have something else to say about it.

Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ ~ Matthew 7:21-23

Most people at North Pointless will be saying things such as, “Lord, Lord have we not sang songs to bring glory to Your name, and in Your name brought in many of the 'unchurched,' and in Your name done many marvelous works.”

Personally, I would not feel comfortable in placing any bets on them being allowed to enter into His Kingdom. I think most of their mindset is based on the passions of this world which they never released and their ignorance of the Scriptures. Perhaps they might understand the worldly and uncaring remarks of Jerry Seinfeld, “That's a shame.”

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Ken Parks, March 6, 2014

Gospel means “good news.” And there is no better news than this: Jesus offered himself up as a living sacrifice so all of us have the ability to “believe” in Him, to be rescued from the dreadful life of sin and death, and by forgiving us that we might have eternal life through Him.

There is no other Gospel that can offer or provide.

On the other hand, we have religious businesses that offer other gospels, such as health and wealth doctrine, social club activities, and humanism/philosophy... all in the name of Jesus.

The Apostle Paul shared only one thing, and that is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He did not develop the gospel of chariot racing, javelin throwing, and any other sports of his time. He did not teach humanism or blend the Gospel of Christ with worldly philosophies. He did not set up day-care centers, vacation bible studies, and Christian yoga classes. As he was cutting the flesh and the ways of the world, he taught salvation, righteousness, and the Truth.

The Truth is often an interference to the life-style of many members of religious businesses. They want their ears tickled with humanism, entertaining stories, and other things that makes their memebers feel good. The Truth? The Truth is far from these inane preachings.

Listen closely to the words of the leaders of religious businesses (those organizations that bow down to the IRS by participating as a 501c3 business). You will see how they persuade the masses with words that are easy on the ears of their members. The easier the words, the more members come and listen. In some respects, this is a form of entertainment and NOT the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

If the Apostle Paul taught today as he did 2,000 years ago, he would have a lot of discontented religious people to face, gritting their teeth and casting derogatory comments at him. “You're a demon! You're the one causing contention against the church!” And so on...

Paul's teaching of the Gospel of Christ would not be accepted by the leaders of religious businesses of today. He would not be allowed to speak before their gatherings. He would be shunned in favor of golden-tongue preachers who graduated with an MBA and seminary teachings. He would be too judgmental for today's religious members.

For the most part, the teachings of Paul, especially the teaching concerning these leaders being lazy, not working and supporting their families, being a burden and consequently a hindrance to the Gospel of Christ, would not be acceptable. The above teaching is avoided at all cost by these religious leaders. They expect to be paid from the “tithes and offerings” on the merit that they are working full-time as a minister.

The Apostle Paul worked both day and night, supporting himself and paying his way through his missions. He did not take any “tithes and offering” to support him, but sent any monetary gifts to the church in Jerusalem and other church areas of need. His primary message was the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He set himself as a living example and so stated within the epistles to the Thessalonians.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the primary and only gospel. It's a crying shame that so many church businesses teach other gospels and ignoring the teachings of the Truth.

I've said this so many times, quoting Jesus, “Many who say 'Lord, Lord' will not enter into the Kingdom!” There are many fakes, many false teachers, pastors, ministers, and etc. who purport to be anointed. They often teach another gospel(s) which is NOT the Gospel of Jesus.

I prefer to emulate the Apostle Paul... work both day and night supporting my family... and teach the Truth, be prepared to identify falsehood and deception, and to do exactly what Jesus told us concerning good fruit and bad fruit. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news, especially for those who earnestly seek the Truth.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


By Ken Parks, March 4, 2014

There are many things that are a hindrance to the gospel of Christ. Previously, I mentioned in the article “Burden” about how purported ministers have placed a burden on their church business members to financially support them. Paul wrote that this act is a hindrance to the gospel of Christ.

The hindrance that Paul talks about is for the most part
an interference in growing in the grace and knowledge of
Jesus Christ.

There are other hindrances. One of the church businesses major form of a hindrance is the “wealth doctrine.” I often refer to this as the “Greed Doctrine.” Several TV ministers continue to beg for donations by claiming they are financially anointed. Then they con others to give them money and in return will receive a blessing of 100 fold. That's right! Give to the greedy instead of the needy. This is outrageous! We are to give to the needy and NOT to the greedy.

This is what these con men say, “God is a god of increase.” They use this as a primary reason that God is to provide a financial increase... “a super positive.”

These con men are very convincing especially to those who are ignorant of the Word of God. This is nothing but a greedy doctrine and a hindrance to the gospel of Christ.

Unbelievers watch these con men on TV and remark, “There ya go! Churches wanting money and promising a financial windfall. What a crock!”

The good news of Jesus is thrown aside all because the religious con men place a hindrance in the path of righteousness. They promise a “miracle of wealth.” They promise an increase of one-hundred fold. They promise blessings of material wealth. Even unbelievers can see through this facade.

Unbelievers are less likely wanting to see the error of their ways and turn in faith to a God of salvation. They are disgusted in the teachings derived from so-called church. And they don't want anything to do with religion.

A spiritual lock and chain becomes the devils tools to hinder
ones growth in Christ. Self-centered ego supersedes above those
things of God, and it becomes a lock-hold in advancing the fruits
of the Spirit.
The con men attempt to persuade with “miracle spring water” and deliverance from poor health and an increase in wealth. The fake ministers proclaim how great these financial blessings are happening with many wonderful stories. And of course, you have to promote their “miracle spring water” in order to increase in YOUR financial well being. Then they pray in the name of Jesus that all of this will be accomplished.

It sounds too good to be true. God is a wishing well... as long as you give your hard working money to these religious con men.

Jesus and his disciples never taught such craziness. They brought forth the teaching of salvation. They became witnesses of the Word of God. They never taught the wealth doctrine. Jesus recognized the fakes by proclaiming that many will come to Him in that day saying, “Lord, Lord, we have done many wonderful works in your name.” And Jesus will tell them, “I never knew you. Depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.”

If they don't turn from their evil ways, hindering the gospel of Christ, these false ministers will find themselves on that day of being separated from Christ, not allowed to enter His Kingdom, and worse, facing a fiery eternal death. Not very comforting.
Yes, they have their heyday on earth, ripping people off in the name of Jesus, all for the almighty dollar. Whether they are delusional or for whatever reason, they must know that there is an ultimate separation, the same place that Jesus described as “where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

There is a price to pay for causing the hindrance of the gospel of Christ.